My Face, My Story, My World

My Face, My Story, My World
Elisha Opal Hughes

Me & Jim Ed

Me & Jim Ed
We're friends, cousins, & 8 months apart in age. We're really close! He was captain of the football team, I was captain of the Cheerleading Squad. At softball games, he was there to watch me catch, & I yelled like a man would at him at his baseball games. I consider myself his biggest fan! I love my Jim Ed. And that's how we do!

One Night In Austin

One Night In Austin
Kailea, Ally, Me & My Cousin Callie. From chips & salsa to 6th street!

My Elliott Buddies

My Elliott Buddies
Mason, Me & Mike.....These guys are the brothers I never had.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Gotta work it out

When I woke up this morning, I felt worse than any other. My throat was extremely sore and I had no energy. I drug myself out of bed, clothed my body, and went down the hall to brush my teeth. Brushing my teeth was distrubing and made me cough. I won't go into detail. But I kept on until they were good & clean. I gather all my book and notebooks, grab a water, and headed to my class two minutes before 8:00 am. I did my best to stay awake in history, and I think I done very well today. I tried a new style of note-taking because my last notes didn't help enough for the test. I walked back to Elliott, straight to my room, got online and instant messaged my mom for a while before she left for work. I felt tired again, so I put everything away, set my alarm, and fell right to sleep. Before I knew it, it was twelve o'clock and I had Theatre pretty soon. I finally got out of the bed at ten after and brushed my teeth once again. This time it wasn't so bad. This time i poured a can of dr. pepper in a water bottle and scurried out. Ooops, I forgot my Austin's peanut butter crackers. Man I am addicted to those now! I finally got to Theatre 2 minutes late but sat down quietly. This was a very odd class, with plent of drama, especially today. Time flew by and before I knew it, it was over! I'm through for the day! WOOHOO! I came back to Elliott once more and thought about sleeping again but decided to do some Algebra instead. Good thinking! I got that out of the way! I stayed online watching Dave Chappelle Lost Episodes and messaging friends from back home. Eventually 5 rolled around and I went to Jone's (Mmmm Mmmm, just kiddin) to get something to eat. Nachos were my choice of the day. It was also my first time to eat them too. They weren't bad, but the lady got distrcted by other orders and left them in the microwave to long. they could've been better, ya kno! Well since then I have been working on more homework and doing my reading. I feel accomplished today. I plan to read, re-type notes for better undestanding and then go work out at the rec! What an exciting day! Nothing special but hey, I enjoyed doing nothing for a change!

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