My Face, My Story, My World

My Face, My Story, My World
Elisha Opal Hughes

Me & Jim Ed

Me & Jim Ed
We're friends, cousins, & 8 months apart in age. We're really close! He was captain of the football team, I was captain of the Cheerleading Squad. At softball games, he was there to watch me catch, & I yelled like a man would at him at his baseball games. I consider myself his biggest fan! I love my Jim Ed. And that's how we do!

One Night In Austin

One Night In Austin
Kailea, Ally, Me & My Cousin Callie. From chips & salsa to 6th street!

My Elliott Buddies

My Elliott Buddies
Mason, Me & Mike.....These guys are the brothers I never had.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Thursday O Thursday

Today I woke up feeling better, at least I can breathe and I'm not spitting all the time. Yesterday I was hit early in the morning with a bad feeling. From that moment on there was no sleeping. I couldn't even lay down to go to sleep. It was horrible. I was sick and it sucks to be sick. I had problem keepin food in my stomach. Gross. Sorry but that's the nicest terms I could think of. I now have this headache but I'd rather have a headache than stomach virus or something. My throat's not as sore but I'm still clearing it constantly. I bet the people who sit beside me in class were extremely annoyed today. I can't help it. I try to clear my throat discretely but that was impossible. Ugh! I hate it. But my headache is not wearing off, so I'm going to do like my mother suggested when i talked to her earlier, and take a nap.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Gotta work it out

When I woke up this morning, I felt worse than any other. My throat was extremely sore and I had no energy. I drug myself out of bed, clothed my body, and went down the hall to brush my teeth. Brushing my teeth was distrubing and made me cough. I won't go into detail. But I kept on until they were good & clean. I gather all my book and notebooks, grab a water, and headed to my class two minutes before 8:00 am. I did my best to stay awake in history, and I think I done very well today. I tried a new style of note-taking because my last notes didn't help enough for the test. I walked back to Elliott, straight to my room, got online and instant messaged my mom for a while before she left for work. I felt tired again, so I put everything away, set my alarm, and fell right to sleep. Before I knew it, it was twelve o'clock and I had Theatre pretty soon. I finally got out of the bed at ten after and brushed my teeth once again. This time it wasn't so bad. This time i poured a can of dr. pepper in a water bottle and scurried out. Ooops, I forgot my Austin's peanut butter crackers. Man I am addicted to those now! I finally got to Theatre 2 minutes late but sat down quietly. This was a very odd class, with plent of drama, especially today. Time flew by and before I knew it, it was over! I'm through for the day! WOOHOO! I came back to Elliott once more and thought about sleeping again but decided to do some Algebra instead. Good thinking! I got that out of the way! I stayed online watching Dave Chappelle Lost Episodes and messaging friends from back home. Eventually 5 rolled around and I went to Jone's (Mmmm Mmmm, just kiddin) to get something to eat. Nachos were my choice of the day. It was also my first time to eat them too. They weren't bad, but the lady got distrcted by other orders and left them in the microwave to long. they could've been better, ya kno! Well since then I have been working on more homework and doing my reading. I feel accomplished today. I plan to read, re-type notes for better undestanding and then go work out at the rec! What an exciting day! Nothing special but hey, I enjoyed doing nothing for a change!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Wow, what a day! I don't think I've accomplished anything. Did I even shower? ha ha. Well I had an awesome weekend in East Texas, back at home. I watched my home football team come back to pull off a great victory. I loved it. My and a friend sat in the stands and jumped up and down. I never seen the game from this perspective before. I had always been on the track cheering. For the past five years, I watched when I wasn't in the middle of a cheer, from the sidelines. I liked it but missed the cheering! SO BAD! UGH! High School: those were the days. Easy work, easy everything, except the small town drama! But isn't that everywhere? I got a laptop this weekend, and I love it so much. Now I can do my work in my room. I haven't even left my room because of this thing. I have been organizing, and personalizing all day! I should start doing my homework right now. I have another stressful day ahead of me and I need to stay focused.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

My week

Wow. What a day! I know I'm behind but sometimes this crazy blogger will not let me sign in. I think it doesn't like me. I feel accomplished. I've been doing pretty well on keeping up with assignments and studying. I hope it stays that way.
I'm really excited this week because I get to go home on Friday. I haven't been home since my first day here. I cannot wait till the high school football games, getting my hair cut at my favorite beauty shop, and most of all having mom do my laundry! ha ha. woohoo! I just have to say it again. I'm so excited! I'm ready for mom to take care of me for the weekend! ha ha!
Well that's about it, gotta do my math!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

My Day-Weiner Wednesday

Wow. I started today off on the wrong foot from the moment I woke up. I woke up eaxctly at 8. I was supposed to be in English at 8. I was really upset. Somehow my alarm was set for 7:30 PM!!!!!!!! I guess I shouldn't stay up so late studying. I get dilusional. Well it's my mother's birthday and I wish I could be there with her to celebrate. It really sucks. But there is one thing I'm looking forward to tonight. It's Weiner Wednesday. It's the second official meeting of the group. ha ha. It's not bad. It's just on Wedneday night, me and a group of people walk to Seven-Eleven and get two hots dogs for $2.16 and a free Dr. Pepper! YUM! Cheap, easy, and dinner. ha ha. Well it's about that time. I have to go get food!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Hmmmm. What a day it has been. There's so much to do but no patience to accomplish anything. Besdies that, my time management is horrible. History, Theater and English to read, Algebra to do, and the online services are down. Why tonight? On a good note, I had some IHOP tonight. Nothing's better than pancakes! I'm very comfortable, and would be great if I didn't have so much to do. O well, it's a little thing called life. I try to keep my focus, but weekends get me so off track. I don't know where to start but I have to get on the ball.

Monday, September 11, 2006

okay, maybe I just made a liar out of myself. When I sign out of this, I can never figure out how to sign back in. It always tells me my e-mail is not correct? Is it just me?
Wow. This blog stuff can be really confusing if you're a first timer. I think I have finally figured it out. Although I have messed up along the way, I hope that I did it like it's supposed to be.
Classes ended at twelve. I was starving so I went back to Elliot to meet the guys. I say the guys because that's the main group of interesting people. The girls are great but not so fun. We walked to Jone's and had greasy quesadillas. Mmmm, Mmmmm. After we sat for a while we returned to our home. Opening my door, smelling the hospitally cleanliness, but noticing the overflowing pile of clothes from my closet floor, I realized I needed to do laundry! So I went in the packed wash room and waited for hours. Finally after getting them done, I threw them in my room and took the time to find my friend Kailea. We went to Wal Mart and spend way too much money on food, snacks and drinks. Not too long after we returned, the rest of the Elliot guys had fired up the archaic grill and began on the fiesta de pollo. Now I'm sitting here at this lonely computer wondering should I associate myself with the gang at th hotel party. Debating... I'm not sure. I think I'd rather shower. OK. time to go........

Friday, September 08, 2006


Every year during our Homecoming weekend, my town has an annual Peanut Festival. This coming October will be the 61st Celebration! It's the weekend of October 13th.

Things starts the Thursday before with a wristband carnival night. It's about 10 dollars to ride anything all night till closing time.

Friday is when the excitement arrises. The first big sign of the weekend's activities is the Homecoming Pep Rally. It's not all that great but hey, IT'S TRADITION! Friday night will be the big homecoming game which isn't big really b/c we're only 1 A.

Following the game Main Street will be taped off for a street dance. Everyone gathers to listen to music and socialize with the rest of the community and visitors.

Go to sleep early because Saturday morning will be the Penut Festival Parade. All kind of characters will show their faces. O yeah, you will get your first glimpse of the Peanut Queen Contestants on their "theme selected floats". It's great! (I'm proud to say I particpated in this last year and won 1st place for my Dick Tracy & Tess Trueheart float!)

Saturday is the day you go to the park for the festival. Ride rides, play games, roam the park, listening to some bands, and most importantly EAT! Every year I get the corn on the cob. It's seasoned to perfection and so sweet! I wouldn't miss that for the world! My friend Courtney would hurt me if I didn't suggest you try the food from the Baptist Church. I think it's the turkey legs she raves about.

After you've worn yourself out, you go home, bathe and get ready for THE PAGEANT! About 5 high school senior girls compete for the title in categories such as; Street Wear, Evening Wear, Talent, On-stage Interview. It's a great coornation and did I forget, there are plenty of acts in between to keep you on the edge of your seat. The queen is crowned!!!!!!!!!!! The Festival is pretty much over then.........So if your are interested in BIG fun in a little town, let me know. Come on, it's not a holiday???????? And it's good to try something new. Although I should warn you, Grapeland is 215 miles away, and if you plan on staying the night, I suggest Holiday Inn Express in Crockett on Loop 304. It's about 12 miles from Grapeland. I will be leaving that Friday after class is over at 12 pm.

If you are interested let me know. Pageant tickets are are available for pre-sale and are more difficult to purchase at the door. It's not that big of an auditorium/theater so seats are limited.

It's exciting! So if you have nothing to do and want to see what East Texas tradition is like, I invite you. Grapeland will embrace you as their own and would love to have you.
I wouldn't lie to you!!!!

If ANYONE is interested, comment me.... I would love to share my little town with Texas State!
Classes ended at twelve. I was starving so I went back to Elliot to meet the guys. I say the guys because that's the main group of interesting people. The girls are great but not so fun. We walked to Jone's and had greasy quesadillas. Mmmm, Mmmmm. After we sat for a while we returned to our home. Opening my door, smelling the hospitally cleanliness, but noticing the overflowing pile of clothes from my closet floor, I realized I needed to do laundry! So I went in the packed wash room and waited for hours. Finally after getting them done, I threw them in my room and took the time to find my friend Kailea. We went to Wal Mart and spend way too much money on food, snacks and drinks. Not too long after we returned, the rest of the Elliot guys had fired up the archaic grill and began on the fiesta de pollo. Now I'm sitting here at this lonely computer wondering should I associate myself with the gang at th hotel party. Debating... I'm not sure. I think I'd rather shower. OK. time to go........
Ok I'm sittin here, finally discovering how to create this blogroll. I think I have 3 different URLs. I hope that everyone is looking at this one and not the old one. If so that'll really be messed up!